Thursday, October 1, 2009

Blood and Oil

I had never seen the movie Blood and Oil before, but most of the information was not new to me. Watching things like this just make me so angry. We are supposed to be the greatest country in the world, but even though we have know since after WWII that we were going to become dependent on other countries for oil to use in our energy needs, we did nothing about it. If we had vigorously invested in alternative energy research, where could we be at today? But instead we compromised our national values and made deal after deal with countries that were not democracies, that suppressed their own people and had horrible records when it came to environment, religious, and economic policies. We gave weapons to countries to defend the oil we wanted that were quickly turned around and led directly to the invasion of Kosovo by Iraq and the rise of the Taliban in Afghanistan. We helped to overthrow democratically elected leaders in order to put in radicals that happen to support our oil agenda.

I'll rant more on this later..

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